Flower Essence Blends
Highly Sensitive People

My Mission is to help Highly Sensitive People feel seen, understood, and supported on their spiritual journeys.

About being an HSP

I’ve found many Highly Sensitive People are extraordinarily kind, generous, and intuitive.

Although being an HSP is a great gift and it's what makes us so attuned to others, it also comes with burdens such as extra stress on the body, mind, and spirit.

We may struggle with:

anxiety • over-giving • people-pleasing • difficulty with boundaries • an overwhelmed nervous system • lack of clarity and focus

Often, the traumas of childhood can lead to becoming an HSP – hyper-vigilant about placating the needs of everyone around us.


My name is Siena.

My journey has been about healing from trauma – learning to feel more safe and regulated in my body, accepting and integrating grief as a part of life, receiving help from others, and honoring my gifts, my needs, my limits, and my loves.

One of my great loves are cats.

My cats have been an ever-present inspiration and secure space for me all along the way.

Along with my cats, I’ve always found nature to be incredibly healing.

I've personally used flower essences, essential oils, and crystals in my journey for over 30 years. As a Spiritual Wellness Coach and Flower Essence Practitioner, I've incorporated them in sessions with clients for over 20 years.

Energy Is Everything

Everything has an energy and carries a "vibe." Plants, animals, crystals, and even our thoughts and emotions all have an energy to them.

And energy influences everything. This is why I believe in working at the level of energy.

In fact, the name for my practice
– "Love & Above" –
is a reference to energy and its various frequencies.

Love vibrates at a frequency of 500Hz (Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.). The frequencies 'above' this are associated with Joy, Peace, and Enlightenment.

So by "love & above," I mean exactly that: the energies of love, peace, joy, and enlightenment.

One of my dearest hopes is that people feel this loving energy through the work I do and the work we do together.

You Are Loved.